Author: Stephen Lin

9 Kick-Ass Kitchen Fight Scenes You Need to See

What would be considered thematically appropriate content for a geeky food blog? A round-up of the nine best movie fight scenes ever to have occurred in...

Smoked Pork Butt: The Dos Equis Amber Epiphany Edition

After getting my Big Green Egg two years ago, one of the very first things I smoked was a pork butt (a.k.a. Boston butt a.k.a. pork...

9 Multicultural Red, White, & Blue Cocktails to Celebrate July 4th

“It’s the Fourth of July!” I thought, “I’m going to write a late article about ‘patriotic’ recipes.” I started off fully intending to cover the best red,...

A Salad Green Lantern and Green Arrow Would Mostly Endorse

When I first made this salad, I honestly didn’t have Green Lantern or Green Arrow in mind.  In fact, what I really had in mind...

The Chicken & Rice Guys: Where I Ate Lamb Like a Hipster

Generally speaking, our Boston office loves food trucks. The Bacon Truck, Tenoch, Bon Me, Clover, Boston’s Baddest Burgers, and Bone Daddy’s Burgers just to name a...

8 Great Geeky Breakfast-grams of 2015 (So Far)

As a geek who probably over-uses Instagram (and hashtags and filters) for my amateur food-porn, I’m occasionally going to share some of my favorite photos and tweets from...

Faux Yumm Sauce: Delicious Sauce from the Faraway Land of Oregon

I’ve never been to Cafe Yumm in Oregon. But my wife has been to Pinterest. Thus my love affair with Yumm Sauce began, openly and completely...

Babymetal: Gimme Chocolate!!

Why am I writing about Japan’s most premeditated J-pop/Heavy Metal fusion monstrosity? Because they have a song titled “Gimme Chocolate!!” which makes Babymetal vaguely food-related. And...

Ramen: The Not-Completely-Lazy Edition

Am I making ramen noodles completely from scratch? Hells no. Do I have good taste in packaged ramen? I think so.  I’m being pretty generous calling...

Kane’s Donuts: My Maple Bacon Odyssey

I work at a pretty cool place. We have foosball, video games, two beers on tap, and catered lunch twice a week.  (Oh, we also have...